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W&MHS committee meeting 26.11.21

W&MHS committee meeting 26.11.21


Meeting started 10:30

Attendees Steven Tyrer (ST) Chair, Jon Parker (JP) Secretary, Brian Coles (BC), David Richards, Anthony Panes (AP) Treasurer.

Apologies for absence Ed Cloutman



ST informed the meeting that he had been talking to Stephen Dutfield (SD) about handing over the role of Chair after the next AGM. He has invited SD to join us for the meeting later with the agreement of the committee.



AP suggested that the subscription should be reintroduced next year at the same rate as previous years (£20). It was agreed that this is a very reasonable sum in comparison with other horological societies (AHS £60, BHI over £200, £60 non professional associates) and will continue.

(SD joined meeting at 10:45 as agreed)

BC proposed that the Zoom subscription should be continued but reinstated at the new year to coincide with member ship subscriptions. Zoom has been a useful tool for the society and is likely to continue to be so. Chair agreed. An increase in subscription to cover this additional expense was considered but not endorsed. Chair informed the meeting that, for practical reasons he paid the zoom subscription and then reclaimed the amount from the treasurer. All agreed that there was no need to change a working system .


Chair (ST) asked SD to confirm his willingness to take over as chair at the next AGM. SD replied that he was, on the condition that his position would not be expected to exceed three years, as is accepted practise for current committee members. ST repeated that he would like to continue supporting the Society by working on the website and other associated matters.


St Fagans

Chair confirmed that he has confirmed Owen Gilchrist, Malcolm Pipes and Emir Davies from the ST Fagan’s staff as speakers. Owen will talk mainly about watches but will also include material of interest to the clock enthusiasts. Malcolm will describe his further practical horological experiments and Emir will give a talk on clocks with Welsh connections. SD asked for the proposed date of the meeting, which was confirmed as 19th March 2022.


AHS magazines. ST has been given a number of AHS magazines to distribute in an attempt to increase public awareness of their society. It was agreed that these could be distributed to various public venues such as Doctors and Dentist waiting rooms etc. A flyer would be included to also give publicity to our society. BC and ST would work together on scripting this.


Post Christmas Meal.


A new venue for the proposed meal was discussed. It was decided that the Plymouth Arms (St Fagan’s) would be acceptable. BC then suggested the Fox and Hounds at Llancarfan could be a second choice if the Plymouth was not available. ST agreed to investigate.


Treasurer’s Report


AP declared that the account balance was £541. Up coming expenses would be £110 for insurance along with other smaller sums. Current funds would cover these and the balance would be restored by subscriptions in the new year.

Speakers for 2022

ST would discuss with SD and report in due course




JP informed the committee that he would not be standing for re-election as Secretary at the next AGM as his three year period was concluded. He suggested that a current member might consider taking the role for a temporary interim period to allow for staggered appointments to give continuity at the end of the incoming Chair’s tenure. The committee thanked Jon for his service as Secretary.

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